Terms of Service


Terms of Service

By agreeing to this Terms of Service, you understand and agree to the following;

Intended Use

UVO TAG is a system that provides a means by which you can tag your property items in such a way that property finders have the ability to contact you if/when they find such property items. The system includes physical property tags as well as an online service. This Terms of Service agreement applies to the online service component of this system. You agree to use the service only as UVO TAG intends it to be used. Any use that does not conform to an intended use, as specified herein, is an unintended use.

Property tag scanning is expected to occur incidentally, as your property items are lost and recovered, rather than on an ongoing basis, such as for continuous or periodic position location. Continuous or periodic use of the tag scanning or location mapping features will increase the burden on the system and the cost of operation, and represents an unintended use.

UVO TAG reserves the right to establish and enforce reasonable limitations on the frequency of tag scanning, location mapping, and other service functions in order to constrain service use to the intended use.

The online service provides a means by which you can enter personally-identifying information (PII), such as your name, phone number(s), email address, home address, or other such information. It is intended that you enter only that PII belonging to you, or that for which you have permission to use. Entering PII that does not belong to you, or for which you have no permission to use, represents an unintended use of the service.

By entering your cell phone number into the Settings panel on the UVO TAG service, you explicitly consent to receive SMS text messages from the UVO TAG service for (a) tag scan alert notifications, and (b) two-factor authentication (if enabled). In any case, you can disable such usage at any time from the Settings panel, and you also have the ability to modify or delete your cell phone number. Although UVO TAG does not make any charges for SMS text message transmission, your service provider might. You can also terminate all such SMS text message communications by sending STOP when you receive text messages.

By setting up an account and entering your email address, you explicitly consent to receive email messages from the UVO TAG service for (a) tag scan alert notifications, and (b) account control features (forgot password, etc). In any case, you can disable email alert notifications at any time from the Settings panel.

The UVO TAG service is intended for use only with UVO TAG branded property tags, and will not operate with any other tags. Attempting to invoke tag scans with anything other than an UVO TAG branded tag represents and unintended use.

Unintended uses also include any use that undermines service security, integrity, or performance, or that attempts to do so. Unintended uses also include any illegal uses, or uses that represent other criminal activity.

Any unintended use may result in the suspension or termination of your privilege to use the service.

Limitations of the Service

The UVO TAG service is deployed using 3rd-party world-class top-tier cloud platform service providers, and is therefore expected to have high reliability and availability. However, the service is dependent upon these and other 3rd party services, including, but not limited to, internet communications services, location services, SMS transport services, and email services. Accordingly, UVO TAG cannot provide guarantees of service reliability and availability. UVO TAG is as susceptible as any other internet service to the kinds of periodic interruptions that occasionally occur on the internet.

When your tag is scanned by a finder, location information is requested from the browser on the scanning cell phone. However, all cell phones support the ability for the cell phone owner to withhold location information. Also, browsers use various mechanisms to determine location, including WiFi and GPS, depending upon what is available under the circumstances. And lastly, it is possible, though unlikely, that the scanning cell phone does not support location services. Therefore, it is possible that location information might not be provided upon tag scan. In addition, location accuracy is dependent upon the location accuracy that can be provided by the underlying browser/cell phone platform. On average, we have found that location accuracy is very good, but this cannot be guaranteed under all circumstances.

Therefore, UVO TAG is not intended for any life-critical use, and can provide no guarantee of property discovery or return. Furthermore, the service depends upon the goodwill of property finders to attempt to make contact, as well their ability to do so. UVO TAG provides no guarantee that your tagged property will be returned, that you will be informed that a tag scan has occurred, or that finders can/will make contact with you.

Intellectual Property

The user agrees to respect the UVO TAG copyright and trademarks. The user agrees not to copy, retain, or distribute any software components utilized by the service, or to infringe on the service trademarks.


UVO TAG disclaims any warranty or guaranty that is not explicitly provided herein. This Terms of Service agreement is subject to modification at any time.

Copyright 2018 UVO TAG